Reason 12.7 Operation Manual
If you use Remote Override mapping (see “Remote Override”), the overrides will be saved with the current song, but won’t be there if you create a new song.
Locked devices (see “Locking a surface to a device”) can also be locked to a specific mapping variation.
The device is now locked to the selected control surface. In Remote Override Edit mode (see “Activating Remote Override Edit mode”) a locked device is shown with a lock symbol in the upper left corner of the device panel.
Another way to map parameters is to have “Remote Override Edit Mode” deactivated on the Options menu, and to simply right-click (PC) or [Ctrl]-click (Mac) on the parameter you wish to remote control.
You can also right-click (Win) or [Ctrl]-click (Mac) on the device panel to select the same item from the context menu.
Another way to assign keyboard remote commands is to have “Keyboard Control Edit Mode” deselected on the Options menu, and to simply right-click (Win) or [Ctrl]-click (Mac) the parameter you wish to remote control.